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Best-practice management of wild dogs in peri-urban environments

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Harriott, L., Speed, J. and Gentle, M. N. (2023) Best-practice management of wild dogs in peri-urban environments. The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, Canberra, ACT..


Article Link: https://pestsmart.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/...


Managing wild dogs in peri-urban regions can be challenging. Many methods of control carry unsuitable risks due to the presence of pets, people or other land uses. However, there are a variety of options available to peri-urban residents that can help them reduce the impacts caused by wild dogs. Local statutory authorities can advise on the permitted control options for managing wild dog impacts in each jurisdiction. This guide gives you a strategic framework for the best practice management of peri-urban wild dogs. To help effectively manage the impacts of wild dogs in your area, for the benefit of individual landholders and community members, the guide presents: • key lessons • useful approaches • actions to consider. Monitoring with camera traps and keeping a record of impacts can determine the extent and frequency of wild dogs using an area, and then appropriate management strategies can be considered and put in place.
Management strategies range from non-lethal to lethal methods; however, landowners and land managers need to understand the rules and regulations about methods that are permitted, specific to their location (these can differ between states and territories, and other jurisdictions). It is also important to keep well informed about developments in management techniques and approaches because technologies develop and evolve. You may be able to access advice and assistance for managing wild dogs in your local region from organisations such as local government, local land services or your state equivalent. You may also choose to employ a professional pest-animal contractor or seek advice from local landholders and experts.

Item Type:Book
Corporate Creators:Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
Business groups:Biosecurity Queensland
Subjects:Science > Invasive Species > Animals > Animal control and ecology
Science > Zoology > Chordates. Vertebrates > Mammals > Carnivora > Canidae (Dogs)
Science > Zoology > Animal behaviour
Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture > By region or country > Australia
Live Archive:07 Jul 2023 02:51
Last Modified:26 Jun 2024 23:58

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