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Australian Bat Lyssavirus Infection in a Captive Juvenile Black Flying Fox

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Field, H., McCall, B. and Barrett, J. L. (1999) Australian Bat Lyssavirus Infection in a Captive Juvenile Black Flying Fox. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5 (3).


Article Link: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol5no3/field.htm


The newly emerging Australian bat lyssavirus causes rabies like disease in bats and humans. A captive juvenile black flying fox exhibited progressive neurologic signs, including sudden aggression, vocalization, dysphagia, and paresis over 9 days and then died. At necropsy, lyssavirus infection was diagnosed by fluorescent antibody test, immunoperoxidase staining, polymerase chain reaction, and virus isolation. Eight human contacts received postexposure vaccination.

Item Type:Article
Business groups:Biosecurity Queensland
Additional Information:© Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Emerging Infectious Diseases is published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a U.S. Government agency. Therefore, all materials published in Emerging Infectious Diseases are in the public domain and can be used without permission. Proper citation, however, is required.
Keywords:Black flying fox; Australian bat lyssavirus (ABL); rabies vaccine.
Subjects:Veterinary medicine > Veterinary virology
Veterinary medicine > Diseases of special classes of animals
Live Archive:11 May 2006
Last Modified:27 Oct 2021 04:31

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