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Cynodon dactylon, Green Couch Grass 'TL1'

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Loch, D.S. and Roche, M.B. (2003) Cynodon dactylon, Green Couch Grass 'TL1'. Plant Varieties Journal, 16 (4). pp. 412-415.

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Publisher URL: http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au
Publisher URL: http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr/journal_download.shtml


Chance seedling: observed in about 1989 as a distinctly coarser textured, densely matting, darker green mutant bermuda grass plant growing among the hybrid ‘Tifgreen’ on the eighth green at the Townsville Golf Course. Although ‘TL1’ was selected from a sward of the hybrid Bermuda grass ‘Tifgreen’, its inflorescence structure (4, not 3, racemes per inflorescence), agronomic attributes (e.g. its tolerance to certain herbicides), and its DNA profile are consistent with a chance seedling of Cynodon dactylon rather than a mutant plant of hybrid (C. dactylon x transvaalensis) origin. Selection criteria: exceptionally short stolon internodes resulting in an extremely tight knit stolon mat under close (c. 5-6 mm) but not very close (c. 3-4 mm) mowing; very deep, strong rhizome system; very dark green colour; tolerates shade better than other Australian bermuda grass varieties of common knowledge (except for ‘Plateau’A); and remains low growing under heavy tropical cloud cover even after 6-8 months. Designated ‘TL1’ by Tropical Lawns Pty Ltd and trialed successfully during the late 1990s and early 2000s in high wear situations (e.g. golf tees) in north Queensland. Propagation: vegetative. Breeder: Barry McDonagh, Townsville, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 2638, Application Number 2002/267, granted 24 February 2005.

Item Type:Article
Corporate Creators:QPIF, DEEDI
Additional Information:© IP Australia.
Keywords:Cynodon dactylon; green couch; 'TL1'; PBR; Plant Breeders Rights; turfgrass.
Subjects:Plant culture > Lawns and turfgrasses > Varieties
Live Archive:29 Nov 2010 01:55
Last Modified:03 Sep 2021 16:48

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