Bibulocystis gloriosa sp nov (Pucciniales) on Caesalpinia scortechinii in Queensland, with comments on Spumula caesalpiniaeExport / Share PlumX View Altmetrics View AltmetricsWalker, J. and Shivas, R. G. (2009) Bibulocystis gloriosa sp nov (Pucciniales) on Caesalpinia scortechinii in Queensland, with comments on Spumula caesalpiniae. Australasian Plant Pathology, 38 (1). pp. 29-35. Full text not currently attached. Access may be available via the Publisher's website or OpenAccess link. Article Link: Publisher URL: AbstractA rust causing leaf spotting and distortion of twigs and branches of Caesalpinia scortechinii in Queensland is described as the new species Bibulocystis gloriosa. Uredinia and telia occur on spotted pinnules, and pycnia, aecial uredinia and telia on galled and twisted leaf rachides, twigs and branches. B. gloriosa is similar to Bibulocystis viennotii on Albizia granulosa in New Caledonia in having a macrocyclic life cycle with all spore states, and teliospores with two fertile cells and two cysts. It differs in having aecial urediniospores and urediniospores with uniformly thickened walls and several scattered germ pores, rather than the apically thickened walls and equatorial germ pores of B. viennotii. Teliospores in the two species are similar in size, but those of B. gloriosa have proportionally larger fertile cells and smaller cysts than in B. viennotii. To date, B. gloriosa is known from only two localities in south-eastern Queensland. Comparison with the type specimen of Spumula caesalpiniae on Caesalpinia nuga from Indonesia has shown that the two rusts are generically distinct.
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